- Code : #4739 S 20 mg
- Formula : C₂₁H₂₀O₆
- CAS : 458-37-7
Alpinia officinarum
Alpinia officinarum, “Lesser galangal” in English and “Petit galanga” or “Galanga officinal” in French, belongs to the Zingiberaceae botanical family. It is a herb that can be 2 m tall. Native to tropical Asia, its rhizomes have been used as spices in Europe for over 1000 years. Its essential oil is used in cosmetics. The plant is also used as a tea in several countries.
Its rhizome has been traditionally used to treat many ailments that vary according to the region. Among them : inflammation, pain, stomach-ache and cold ; malaria, diabetes, epilepsy, hemorrhoids, general weakness, ring worm, tooth decay… It is mostly used to treat coughing, bronchitis and sore throat.
Among the many constituents of the rhizome are various phytochemicals including a vast number of phenolic compounds, notably diarylheptanoids being considered as the principal active constituents; officinin B, alpinin A , B, C and D, in addition to galangin, kaempferide and kaempferol.

- Code : #5009 S 100 mg
- Formula : C₁₀H₁₈O
- CAS : 470-82-6
- Code : #1114 S 20 mg
- Formula : C₁₅H₁₀O₅
- CAS : 548-83-4
- Code : #1123 S 10 mg
- Formula : C₁₆H₁₂O₆
- CAS : 491-54-3
- Code : #1124 S 20 mg
- Formula : C₁₅H₁₀O₆
- CAS : 520-18-3
- Code : #1135 S 20 mg
- Formula : C₁₅H₁₀O₇,2H₂O
- CAS : 6151-25-3