- Code : #1370 S 20 mg
- Formula : C₁₅H₁₀O₄
- CAS : 486-66-8
Glycine max
Glycine max “Soybean” or “Soya bean” in English and “Soja” in French, belongs to the Fabaceae botanical family.
Native to east Asia, soybean is a herb, 0.3 to 0.9 m tall. It is now cultivated in all temperate and tropical regions, providing ca. 35% of human protein and an important source of oil. Being widely used for animal and human consumption, it is extensively used industrially.
The seed is considered to be specific for the healthy functioning of bowels, heart, kidney, liver and stomach.
Research has revealed the medicinal benefits of soybean components against metabolic disorders (cardio-vascular diseases, diabetes and obesity etc.) as well as other chronic diseases (cancer, osteoporosis, menopausal syndrome, aneamia…).
Many of the health benefits of soy are derived from its secondary metabolites, such as isoflavones (daidzein, genistein, glycitein), phyto-sterols, lecithins, saponins etc.

- Code : #1371 S 20 mg
- Formula : C₂₁H₂₀O₉
- CAS : 552-66-9
- Code : #1372 S 20 mg
- Formula : C₁₅H₁₀O₅
- CAS : 446-72-0
- Code : #1325 S 20 mg
- Formula : C₂₁H₂₀O₁₀
- CAS : 529-59-9
- Code : #1401 S 10 mg
- Formula : C₁₆H₁₂O₅
- CAS : 40957-83-3
- Code : #1402 S 10 mg
- Formula : C₂₂H₂₂O₁₀
- CAS : 40246-10-4