International Association for the Advancement of High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC Association) promotes the use of HPTLC in plant analysis and other analytical fields. The Association brings together representatives from academia, industry, research, regulatory and standard setting bodies.
L'Association Francophone des sciences SEParatives a pour buts de promouvoir les méthodes physico-chimiques de séparation dans tous les domaines d'activité et de contribuer à leur développement, de favoriser les échanges entre personnes des secteurs public et privé qui les conçoivent, les développent, les utilisent et construisent des instruments basés sur elles, de promouvoir la formation initiale et continue en sciences séparatives et l'insertion professionnelle des jeunes diplômés dans cette spécialité.
The American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) is the national trade association and voice of the herbal products industry. AHPA is comprised of more than 350 domestic and foreign companies doing business as growers, processors, manufacturers, and marketers of herbs and botanical and herbal products, including foods, dietary supplements, cosmetics, and non-prescription drugs. Founded in 1982, AHPA's mission is to promote the responsible commerce of herbal products.
AOAC INTERNATIONAL is a globally recognized, independent, third party, not-for-profit association and voluntary consensus standards developing organization founded in 1884. When analytical needs arise within a community or industry, AOAC INTERNATIONAL is the forum for finding appropriate science-based solutions through the development of microbiological and chemical standards. AOAC standards are used globally to promote trade and to facilitate public health and safety.